Post #2: Cris Tovani "Why Do I Have to Read This?" Chapter 3 Analysis
In Chapter 3 - The Masks of Anger and Apathy , Tovani explains the challenges of teaching apathetic students, promoting inquiry and connection with these students, and different strategies that can be used to engage and intrigue apathetic students. In my short time so far in the classroom, I have seen and worked with numerous students, similar to Mack, who are disinterested and struggle to any get any work done in and outside of class, so Tovani's insights and personal experiences spoke to me on a personal level. As Tovani states, working with apathetic students can be frustrating. However, I was really drawn to her advice about using a "little honest modeling" because this is something I have done in my time in the classroom (Tovani, Pg. 49). The reality is that not every student is going to be motivated and interested about the content you are teaching. Apathetic students need that little "push" to spark their inquiry and grab their attention. O...